Your voice
Listening while you sing
Sing with abundance, sing small, sing gentle, sing big.
Your voice is your instrument - feed it well.
Love the sound that you hear when you sing.
Listen while you sing – it sounds obvious but the out-going activity of singing and the in-going activity of listening are part of a musical puzzle that's important to grasp.
One of the best pieces of advice I received to improve my singing was: "Sing into a tape recorder and listen back to your voice."
Get a small recorder and sing into it – whatever you feel like singing: your favorite song, your rendition of a tune from the radio, a song you used to sing as a child, record yourself. Then listen back and hear how you sound.
The important bit is to really listen. But at first, listening while you sing can be too hard, that's why the tape recorder can help. It will allow you to listen to your singing undistracted and more intently.
Singing with a drone
A drone is a continuing sound that will help you keep in pitch. One of the more challenging aspects of singing is to keep the pitch even and to move from one note to the next with a certain amount of control.
A drone gives a reference point while you sing - it's a bit like having a compass while you travel – it shows you the true north.
I have created such a drone for you to use:
- A drone in E (download)
Enjoy your sound
Don't forget to enjoy! Your sound is needed in this world – the sound of your own voice will massage you from the inside and melt away your fears. This moment here, the next moment gone, music is the invisible vapor that filters through the cracks of this life, descending from the beyond and giving us “This Great Moment of the Delicious Here and Now”.